Mon - Thu: 10:30 a.m. - 04:00 p.m.
Otto-Suhr-Allee 94, 10585 Berlin

Private classes


Your German individual lessons at Nativa Akademie

Our German teacher for you alone!

Personal goals and content according to your desires

I want to learn German as fast as possible! With this attitude, our individual German lessons are perfect for you! Our private lessons have several advantages compared to group courses: the teacher specifically tailors the content of the course according to your wishes! Book different lesson packages and save right from the first lesson!

1 student
Lessons2 lessons (2×45 min.)as of 10 lessonsas of 20 lessonsas of 30 lessonsas of 40 lessons
Price/`savings86 €420 €/*10 €820 €/*40 €1200 €/*90 €1560 €/*160 €
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2 students
Lessons2 lessons (2×45 min.)as of 10 lessonsas of 20 lessonsas of 30 lessonsas of 40 lessons
Price/*savings2 hora lectivas (2×45 min.)98 €480 €/*10 €940 €/*40 €1380 €/*90 €1800 €/*160 €
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The flexible way to start private lessons

German private lessons alone or in pairs

You can start your German private lessons at Nativa Akademie in Berlin flexibly at any time by prior arrangement with the teacher. In this way, you will not only receive intensive German language instruction tailored to your lerning pace and goals. You can also complete the course by a desired date and in a flexibe frequency!

The price of the course depends on the numer of participants – whether one or two – and the number of lessons booked.

We wish you a lot of fun and success!

You are looking for English private lessons in Berlin?

We offer English private lessons as well!

Group of students in Campus