Mon - Wed : 10:00 a.m. - 04:30 p.m.
Otto-Suhr-Allee 94, 10585 Berlin

School trips


School trips to Berlin with Nativa Academy

School trip

TO Berlin

Dear teachers,

are you planning to organize a class trip to Berlin  with your students  ? Are you looking for suitable accommodation?

Our experienced team at  Nativa Akademie will  help you with all content-related and organizational questions, be it with the design of the program, the search for accommodation or the transfer on site. We help you to develop or implement the program of the school trip or study trip to Berlin.

We have a lot of experience in learning German in an unconventional way, be it in the form of workshops that prepare your students for the sightseeing tour, or as city rallies, the combination of sightseeing and lessons at the extracurricular location, where the course participants solve tasks in groups, by interacting with Berliners.

Red-haired English teacher feeling thoughtful before lesson
Rushing to class


Different teaching methods

It is possible to book short two to three hour workshops or two to three day scavenger hunts with us. Teaching method – project – linguistic tasks in the city, preparation of a presentation and presentation in groups. The tasks to be solved and the language of the tasks are adapted to the language level of the students.

All language skills are trained. The course participants encounter the lively language of Berliners in different facets, they get to know the German and Berlin culture on site and develop their intercultural competence. In addition, the successful communication promotes group integration as well as the personal success of the course participants.

Groups of up to 45 people, divided into groups of eight to twelve people.

If you have any questions, please contact us directly by phone +49 30 3987 6295, using our  contact form  or simply write an email to